Collection: HIGH FIRE

Notice on Red Art

You may notice a difference in the raw color of certain Highwater Clays clay bodies that contain Red Art:

  • Earthenware -- Earthen Red, Lyman Red, and Stan's Red.
  • Mid Range -- Brownstone, Ellen Buff, Desert Buff, Red Rock, Red Stone, Riverside Grit, and Speckled Brownstone.
  • High Fire -- Aurora, Hestia, and Trina Buff.

However, there's no need to worry!

Red Art is typically a brick red color-although variations in the raw color are common.  The Red Art seam has layers of red, yellow and green.  Resco Products-our Red Art supplier-is currently mining it in the yellow and green area, so the raw color is yellow and green.  However, the raw color will shift back to brick red in the future.  Most importantly, even if the raw Red Art is yellow and green, it converts to the usual red when it is fired.

If you have further questions about Red Art or the above-mentioned clay bodies, please call (828) 252-6033.